Workshop to explore organic food and consumer choice
(Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2002 -- CropChoice news) -- A workshop to explore whether further research or surveys are needed to help
consumers understand the differences between organic and
conventionally-produced food is being held by the Food Standards Agency.
The workshop will specifically address issues around nutrition and food
safety. It will take place at the FSA's London headquarters on 6 November
There are limited funds available to support the travel expenses of those
stakeholder representatives who might not otherwise be able to attend.
The workshop is intended to be interactive, and to include a mixture of
presentations and discussion.
The day will be divided into two sessions.
The first will look at methods for investigating potential differences
between organic and conventionally-produced food such as nutrient levels and
the implications for health.
The second session will address food safety issues, including chemical and
microbiological contamination.
If you are interested in attending this workshop you should complete the
attached form and return it by post or fax to:
Ms Narriman Looch
http://www.food.gov.uk/news/newsarchive/workshoponorganicfood |