Groups oppose approval of genetically modified wheat
(July 31, 2001 -- CropChoice news)—A diverse group of organizations has joined forces to oppose the introduction of genetically modified
(GM) wheat in Canada.
The National Farmers Union (NFU), Manitoba’s Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) the Agricultural Producers
Association of Saskatchewan (APAS), the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM), the
Saskatchewan Organic Directorate (SOD), the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB), Greenpeace Canada, The Council of
Canadians, and the Canadian Health Coalition want the federal government to halt the approval of genetically modified
(GM) wheat unless the concerns of farmers, consumers, and buyers of Canadian wheat are addressed.
"It is perhaps surprising that such a diverse group would work together like this," said spokesperson Stewart Wells.
"But we are here today because we all have one thing in common—we all have concerns regarding the introduction of
genetically modified wheat."
The group has submitted a letter detailing its concerns to Prime Minister Jean Chrétien (See below). The
document is fully supported by more than 210 industry associations, local governments, and citizen groups across
Canada. It has also drawn the support of more than 50 Canadian experts and researchers and 60 international
Wells said farmers are concerned about agronomic impacts and market loss, while consumers have raised food safety,
environmental damage and regulatory adequacy as issues. He said it is time that Ottawa took note.
"The Government of Canada must listen to the concerns of its citizens and act in the best economic interests of
farmers," said Wells. "It must halt the approval of genetically modified wheat."
For more information, go to:
The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien
Prime Minister of Canada
Langevin Block
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0A2
Minister of Health
Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board
Minister of the Environment
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Minister of Industry
Canadian Premiers
Dear Prime Minister Chrétien:
Genetically-modified (GM) wheat raises concerns in many sectors, both domestically and abroad. Farmers and grain
industry participants are concerned about market loss and risks to Canada's distinguished reputation for quality wheat
varieties. In addition, farmers are concerned about agronomic impacts. Consumers are concerned about food safety and
regulatory adequacy. Citizens are concerned about environmental damage. Organic farmers are concerned about negative
effects on Canada's successful organic sector. Not every organization or individual that has signed this letter shares
every one of these concerns. However, for one or more of the preceding reasons we, the undersigned, oppose, until these
concerns are dealt with, the introduction of GM wheat into the Canadian food supply and seed supply.
Overwhelming numbers of Canadian farmers and consumers, as well as customers for Canadian wheat overseas, have
said that they do not want GM wheat at this time. We hope the Canadian government will act democratically, heed
the wishes of its citizens, and act in the best economic interests of farmers.
We represent diverse constituencies and interests, but we are unified in asking that you act immediately to prevent the
introduction of GM wheat into Canadian food and fields unless the concerns of Canadian farmers, industry, and
consumers are addressed adequately.
Canadian Organizations [223]
Action Réseau Consommateur
Agricultural Producers of Saskatchewan
Alberta Organic Association
Amies de la Terre de l'Estrie
Amies de la Terre de Québec
Atlantic Canada Organic Regional Network
Atlantic Council for International Cooperation / Conseil atlantique pour la coopération internationale
Back To The Farm Research Foundation (Davidson, SK)
BC Food Systems Network
Bert Riggall Environmental Foundation
Biotech Action Montréal
Blue-Green Society
Bringing Youth Toward Equality Society (Yukon)
Burke Mountain Naturalists
Canadian Alert on Genetic Engineering
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
Canadian Auto Workers Windsor Regional Environment Council
Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (national)
Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (Saskatoon/Saskatchewan)
Canadian Centre for Sustainable Agriculture
Canadian Environmental Law Association
Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions
Canadian Federation of Students, Sask. Component
Canadian Health Coalition
Canadian Health Food Association
Canadian Institute For Environmental Law And Policy
Canadian Labour Congress
Canadian Organic Certification Co-operative
Canadian Organic Growers
Canadian Wheat Board
Caretakers of the Environment
Cawston Cold Storage Ltd. (Cawston, BC)
Centre d'écologie urbaine de Montréal / Urban Ecology Centre of Montreal
Certified Organic Associations of British Columbia
Citizen Environment Alliance
Citizens Advocating Public Health and Environmental Responsibiltiy
Clearinghouse Group
Comité Environnement Syndicat Cols-Bleus de Montréal
Community Choices Consulting (Saskatoon, SK)
Community First Development Fund of Saskatoon
Conservation Council of New Brunswick
Conserver Society of Hamilton & District
Council of Canadians
Crowsnest Environmental Action Society
Cultivated Forest Cooperative of Denman Island
CUPE Local 2419: University of Regina Academic Teaching Assistants
DisAbled Women's Network Ontario
Disgruntled Youth (NB)
Earth Action
East Kings Community Health Assn. (Wolfville, NS)
Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario
Ecology Action Centre
Environmental Coalition of Prince Edward Island
Environmental Law Centre
Estrie contre l'Irradiation
Falls Brook Centre (NB)
Farm Folk / City Folk Society (BC)
First Nations Environmental Network
Fondation Convergence - Montréal
Food Action Ottawa
Food First of Northern BC
FoodShare Toronto
Ford Alward Naturalist Association (NB)
Fédération d'agriculture biologique du Québec / Organic Agriculture Federation of Quebec
Fédération des ACEF du Québec
GE Alert
Gene Action Toronto
Georgia Strait Alliance
Grace-Westminster United Church Outreach Committee (Saskatoon, SK)
Great Lakes United / Union Saint-Laurent, Grands Lacs
Green Campus Society
Greenpeace Canada
Groupe de recherche appliquée en macroécologie
Growers International Organic Sales Inc.
Guideposts for a Sustainable Future
Hamilton Naturalists' Club
Health Action Network Society
Herle Grain Company
Hog Watch Manitoba
Hospital Employees' Union
Inter Pares
Island Residents Against Toxic Environments
Keystone Agricultural Producers
Labour Environmental Alliance
L'ACEF de l'Outaouais
MacKillop Centre for Social Justice
Maritime Certified Organic Growers Grain Project
Marysburg Organic Producers
Mouvement Au Courant
Nanny Goat Hill Community Garden
National Farmers Union
National Union of Public and General Employees
Nature Saskatchewan
New Brunswick Partners In Agriculture
New Brunswick Union of Nurses
Northwest Saskatchewan Organic Producers (OCIA #2)
Nova Scotia Public Interest Research Group
Ontario Natural Food Co-op
Organic Crop Improvement Association Alberta Chapter #1
Organic Crop Improvement Association Marysburg, Sask. Chapter #5
Organic Crop Improvement Association New Brunswick
Organic Crop Improvement Association Québec
Organic Crop Improvement Association Sask. Chapter #3
Organic Crop Improvement Association South West Sask. Chapter #8
Organic Producers Association of Manitoba
Oxfam Canada
PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada
PEI Health Coalition
PEI Mobilization for Global Justice
Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development
Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Genetics
Poetical Asylum
Polaris Institute
Resource Efficient Agricultural Production
Roseisle Creek Watershed Association (Roseisle, MB)
Réseau Québecois contre les OGM
Réseau Québecois des Groupes Écologistes
Rural Advancement Foundation International, Canada
Saint John Mobilization for Global Justice
Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities
Saskatchewan Federation of Labour Environment Committee
Saskatchewan Organic Certification Association
Saskatchewan Organic Directorate
Saskatchewan Soil Conservation Association
Saskatchewan Union of Nurses
Sierra Club of Canada
Sierra Youth Coalition - Northern Chapter
Society Promoting Environmental Conservation (BC)
Steelworkers Humanity Fund
STU/UNB Student Environmental Society
Syndicat des Producteurs de Grains Biologiques du Québec
Syndicat des Producteurs de Lait Biologique du Québec
Syndicat des Producteurs de Viandes Biologiques du Québec
Tantramar Environmental Alliance (NB)
The Big Carrot Natural Food Market
The Gaia Group (Regina, SK)
The Ram's Horn
The Wild Circle
Toronto Catholic Worker
Toronto Mobilization for Global Justice
Tusket River Environmental Protection Association (NS)
Unibroue inc. Brasserie / Unibroue Inc. Brewery
Wolfville Democracy in Action
Youth For Environmental Action
Zoocheck Canada
Rural Municipality # 3: Enniskillen, SK
Rural Municipality # 4: Coalfields, SK
Rural Municipality # 18: Lone Tree, SK
Rural Municipality # 19: Frontier, SK
Rural Municipality # 31: Storthoaks, SK
Rural Municipality # 32: Reciprocity, SK
Rural Municipality # 40: Bengough, SK
Rural Municipality # 42: Willow Bunch, SK
Rural Municipality # 43: Old Post, SK
Rural Municipality # 44: Waverley, SK
Rural Municipality # 49: White Valley, SK
Rural Municipality # 61: Antler, SK
Rural Municipality # 73: Stonehenge, SK
Rural Municipality # 76: Auvergne, SK
Rural Municipality # 77: Wise Creek, SK
Rural Municipality # 78: Grassy Creek, SK
Rural Municipality # 79: Arlington, SK
Rural Municipality # 94: Hazelwood, SK
Rural Municipality # 104: Gravelbourg, SK
Rural Municipality # 105: Glen Bain, SK
Rural Municipality # 107: Lac Pelletier, SK
Rural Municipality # 109: Carmichael, SK
Rural Municipality # 110: Piapot, SK
Rural Municipality # 121: Moosomin, SK
Rural Municipality # 122: Martin, SK
Rural Municipality # 124: Kingsley, SK
Rural Municipality # 136: Coulee, SK
Rural Municipality # 142: Enterprise, SK
Rural Municipality # 153: Willowdale, SK
Rural Municipality # 154: Elcapo, SK
Rural Municipality # 160: Pense, SK
Rural Municipality # 162: Caron, SK
Rural Municipality # 184: Grayson, SK
Rural Municipality # 187: North Qu'appelle, SK
Rural Municipality # 191: Marquis, SK
Rural Municipality # 221: Sarnia, SK
Rural Municipality # 226: Victory, SK
Rural Municipality # 228: Lacadena, SK
Rural Municipality # 230: Clinworth, SK
Rural Municipality # 245: Garry, SK
Rural Municipality # 248: Touchwood, SK
Rural Municipality # 251: Big Arm, SK
Rural Municipality # 254: Loreburn, SK
Rural Municipality # 256: King George, SK
Rural Municipality # 261: Chesterfield, SK
Rural Municipality # 280: Wreford, SK
Rural Municipality # 283: Rosedale, SK
Rural Municipality # 284: Rudy, SK
Rural Municipality # 286: Milden, SK
Rural Municipality # 305: Invermay, SK
Rural Municipality # 309: Prairie Rose, SK
Rural Municipality # 314: Dundurn, SK
Rural Municipality # 334: Preeceville, SK
Rural Municipality # 335: Hazel Dell, SK
Rural Municipality # 337: Lakeview, SK
Rural Municipality # 338: Lakeside, SK
Rural Municipality # 340: Wolverine, SK
Rural Municipality # 342: Colonsay, SK
Rural Municipality # 345: Vanscoy, SK
Rural Municipality # 347: Biggar, SK
Rural Municipality # 367: Ponass Lake, SK
Rural Municipality # 372: Grant, SK
Rural Municipality # 373: Aberdeen, SK
Rural Municipality # 376: Eagle Creek, SK
Rural Municipality # 382: Eye Hill, SK
Rural Municipality # 399: Lake Lenore, SK
Rural Municipality # 402: Fish Creek, SK
Rural Municipality # 409: Buffalo, SK
Rural Municipality # 429: Flett's Springs, SK
Rural Municipality # 460: Birch Hills, SK
Rural Municipality # 471: Eldon, SK
Rural Municipality # 472: Wilton, SK
Rural Municipality # 497: Medstead, SK
Rural Municipality # 499: Mervin, SK
Rural Municipality # 501: Frenchman Butte, SK
Canadian Individuals [53]
Adolf Andres, P.Eng. (Selkirk, MB)
Alfred Rogosin, retired Assoc. Prof. Botany, Brandon University
Andrew B. Cooper, M.D. (Toronto, ON)
Anne Oaks, Ph.D. F.R.S.C., Prof. Emeritus, Biology, McMaster University
Belinda Wheatley, Nutritionist and Home Economist (Coquitlam, BC)
Bernard Hayes, B.V.Sc. (Furdale, SK)
Bert R. Christie, Ph.D., P.Ag., retired Research Scientist (Charlottetown, PEI)
Brenda Frick, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., P.Ag.
Charles-Eugène Bergeron, Technologiste agricole (Scotstown, Québec)
David Beaudin, M.D., F.R.C.P.C.
David Peacock, B.Comm., M. Divinity (Saskatoon, SK)
Dennis R. McCalla, Ph.D. (Biochemistry and Genetics), Prof. Emeritus, McMaster University
Dr. Barbara Krasovec, M.D. (Hepworth, ON)
Dr. David Punter, Head, Department of Botany, University of Manitoba
Dr. Joseph Roberts, Prof. Emeritus, Political Science, University of Regina
Dr. Joyce Green, Assoc. Prof., Political Science, University of Regina
Dr. Peter Chidiac, Ph.D., Asst. Prof., Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Western Ontario
Dr. Ricardo Grinspun, Department of Economics, York University
Dr. Roger Epp, Chair, Division of History, Sociology & Political Studies, Augustana University College (Camrose,
Elizabet K. Dwwyor, Dipl. Ing. Agr. (B.Sc. Agronomy), M.Sc. (Soil Science), P.Ag.
Eric Cleveland, M.D., F.R.C.P. (NS)
Hugh Lehman, Prof. Emeritus, University of Guelph
Jack Coggins, Ph.D. (Saskatoon, SK)
James Gomes, M.Sc., Ph.D., Centre for Agricultural Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
Jim Wolford, M.Sc. (Biology)
John Henning, Assoc. Prof. & Chair, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Graduate Program Director, McGill University
Josef K. Schmutz, Ph.D., Conservation Planner, Important Bird Areas Program, Nature Saskatchewan, University of
Kara Vlasman, M.Sc., Communications Coordinator, Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre, University of
Laure Waridel, researcher at the Eco_Research Chair on Environmental Law and Policy/POLIS at the University of
Leda Raptis, Ph.D., Prof., Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Queen's University (Kingston, ON)
Marie Farrell, N.C. (Nutritional Consultant), CRA Practitioner
Mary A. Beckie, Ph.D. (Organic Agriculture: Research & Extension)
Melva Armstrong, Publisher/Editor WHOLifE Journal
Michèle Lefebvre_Dufresne, diététiste_nutritionniste
Nettie Wiebe, Ph.D., North America/Mexico Coordinator of the Via Campesina, Former President of the NFU
P. Tippett, M.D. (Saint John, NB)
P. Wolf, President, Sustainable Development International Ltd. (Regina, SK)
Patricia Sky, B.A. Biology, Native Plant Specialist
Penny Lloyd, UVic Sustainability Project Coordinator
Prof. Joe Cummins, Prof. Emeritus Genetics, University of Western Ontario
R.M. Beames, Ph.D., P.Ag., Professor Emertitus, UBC
Ralph C. Martin, Ph.D., P.Ag., Assoc. Prof., Department of Plant and Animal Sciences, Nova Scotia Agricultural
Richard C. Bocking, P.Ag., Agricultural Economist
Robert M. Stirling, Head, Department of Sociology & Social Studies, University of Regina
Ric Kuecks, Biologist (Cobble Hill, BC)
Rosalind Hobart, B.Sc., Agrologist
Shelley Coggins, B.Comm., M.A. in Economics (Saskatoon, SK)
Stuart Lee, M.Sc. (Microbiology and Biochemistry)
Tim Quigley, Prof., College of Law, University of Saskatchewan
Warren Bell, B.A. M.D. C.M. C.C.F.P. (Salmon Arm, BC)
Wayne Roberts, Ph.D., coordinator, Toronto Food Policy Council
Wendy R Holm, P.Ag., Agrologist
William E. Rees, Ph.D., Professor, UBC School of Community and Regional Planning
International Organizations [61]
Acción por la Biodiversidad (Argentina)
Agricultural Missions Inc. (New York, NY)
Alternative Energy Resources Organization (Helena, MT)
Andhra Pradesh Coalition in Defence of Diversity
ANPED, The Northern Alliance for Sustainability (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Biowatch South Africa
CECU, Confederation of Consumers and Users (Spain)
Clean Water Action (Boston, MA)
Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (Spain)
Conseil Scientifique du Comité de Recherche et d'Information Indépendantes sur le Génie Génétique, Laboratoire de
Biochimie et Biologie Moleculaire, Université de Caen (France)
Coordination Rurale (France)
Debio (Norwegian organic certification organization)
Deccan Development Society (India)
Demeter Association Inc. (Aurora, NY)
Diverse Women for Diversity (India)
East Africa Watch on Trade, Economics and Environment
Elte Nature Conservation Club (Budapest, Hungary)
Environs Kimberley (Broome, Western Australia)
Equal Exchange Trading Ltd. (UK)
Eurotexte Communications (France)
Eyre Peninsula G.M. Task force (Australia)
Forest Guardians (Santa Fe, NM)
Friends of the Earth (Cyprus)
GE Free Bathurst (Australia)
GE Free New Zealand in Food and Environment
Globalization Stakeholders Network
Greenpeace USA
Grupo de Tecnologia Alternativa (México)
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (Minneapolis, MN)
Institute for Higher Studies (California)
Instituto Sindical de Trabajo, Ambiente y Salud (Spain)
Kalpavriksh "Environmental Action Group" (India)
Kettle Range Conservation Group (Republic, WA)
Laboratoire d'Ecophysiologie Végétale de l'Université de Saint_Etienne (France)
Mangrove Action Project
Nelson GE Awareness Group (New Zealand)
Netværk Mariager Fjord (Denmark)
Northwest Resistance Against Genetic Engineering (Portland, OR)
Ohio Fair Trade Campaign
Organic Consumers Association (Little Marais, MN)
Park Slope Food Coop (Brooklyn, NY)
Pesticide Action Network, Asia and the Pacific (Penang, Malaysia)
Red Interamericana de Agriculturas y Democracia (Ecuador)
Rochester Food Not Bombs (Rochester, NY)
Roots for Equity (Pakistan)
Safe Food Coalition (South Africa)
Safe Foods Campaign (Boston, MA)
Science and Environmental Health Network (Ames, IA)
Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica (Spain)
Soil Association (UK)
South African Freeze Alliance on Genetic Engineering
South Asian Network for Food, Ecology and Culture
South Australian Genetic Food Information Network
The Danish Association for Sustainable Communities (Denmark)
The Edmonds Institute (Edmonds, WA)
Uganda Biodiversity Network
Uganda Consumers Protection Association
Unitarian Universalist Green Sanctuary Movement (New York, NY)
Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment (Ireland)
Warburton's Bakeries (London, UK)
Youth Development Africa