Neil Young at 15th FARM AID Concert:'We'll be back next year, and the year after that...We're not giving up!' (Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2002 -- CropChoice news) -- We carry this courtesy of the AgriBusiness Examiner ( http://www.ea1.com/CARP
The trial balloon was floated by John Hansen, the secretary of the
National Farmers Union, yesterday at a backstage pow-wow kicking off the
15th Farm Aid concert [September 22] at the Post-Gazette Pavilion.
Willie, with his jar of chocolate milk in front of him, laughed and
warded off the proposal by using two fingers to make a cross.
You're right, Willie. You're way too important as a musician and a
legend to waste your time in the White House. Plus, there's that whole
issue of inhaling.
Indeed, it's probably enough of a commitment to the nation that Nelson
has been the heart and soul of Farm Aid since founding the organization
with Neil Young and John Mellencamp in 1985. If there were any question
that they still care deeply about this cause 17 years later, it was
dispelled by the fiery rhetoric at the pre-concert press gathering.
"I grew up in a small town and I still live there," Mellencamp said,
echoing one of biggest hits. "I have seen how corporate America has
changed the face of our nation. We can have all the concerts we want,
but if you guys want a better place, it starts with one person and
that's you."
Making a very rare appearance in front of the media, Neil Young was
particularly animated in his plea for personal responsibility as policy.
"Attention Shoppers! Attention Shoppers!" Young hollered on stage and
off. "Buy with a conscience and save the family farm! Go to the right
place and buy the right food. It's just as easy as going to the wrong
place and buying the wrong food."
The right places, according to Young, are farmers markets and natural
food stores. The wrong place would be where most people actually go --
the big supermarkets. Young, who played an acoustic set later in the
evening, also threw down a challenge to the media:
"Don't write about who played or what anybody wore. Try to write about
the real issues."
While the likes of Lee Ann Womack (with Willie sitting in), Drive-By
Truckers and Keith Urban played the starred-and-striped stage in the
early going, the issues were being discussed back in the tent.
Farmers and farm lobbyists from across the country joined local farmers
in making the case for the family farm. They discussed in great detail
their dissatisfaction with the federal farm bill passed last year. They
talked about the subsidies for the corporate farms, dangers of
irradiated foods, drought affecting 50% of the nation's farmland, and
genetically modified corn.
Larry Mitchell, CEO of the American Corn Growers Association, said the
golden rule applies in Washington: "Them's that got the gold, get to
John Kinsman, a 76-year-old dairy farmer from Wisconsin, noted that he
lived through the 1930s and, "we lived better then than we do now. We
weren't working 18 hours a day to keep our farm." Kinsman said Farm Aid
has been a huge help by giving money to the unions and farm
organizations that help counsel farmers when they're desperate.
On the artistic side, the Farm Aid founders continue to take steps to
assure that a newer generation gets involved. New board member Dave
Matthews, he of the happy feet and grim poetics, dazzled with an
acoustic set last night that he adapted to Farm Aid. He also pounded
away at the day's mantra of "good food."
"This country has done lots of great things and gone through a lot of
hardships," he told the crowd, and added, "I think we have to save the
family farms without the government."
Kid Rock, who rocked with a capital R, might not be destined for the
board of anything, but he certainly knew where the biggest concert in
the world was happening yesterday.
"I'm here to learn more about this today," he said, "to observe some of
greatest cats to make music ever, help this wonderful cause out and rock
the [bleepin'] house." . . . . .
Yes, the White House isn't getting Willie Nelson anytime soon. Willie
and the boys are sticking with Farm Aid as their tool.
"We'll be back next year," said Young. "And the year after that. We're
not giving up." |