Diversifying land use with wind power (Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2002 -- CropChoice news) -- Dan McGuire, director of the American Corn Growers Foundation's Wealth From The Wind program, gave the following presentation yesterday at the Ohio Wind Power Conference in Dublin, OH.
It's a real pleasure to be here with all of you today and to be promoting wind power, one of the most exciting new home-grown, clean energy sources to present itself to America in years. A special thanks to Bill Spratley and everyone at Green Energy Ohio for getting us involved in this first ever, statewide Ohio wind energy conference.
On behalf of the American Corn Growers Foundation, the American Corn Growers Association, and our Wealth From The Wind educational program, I'm privileged to moderate this key panel on Ohio Wind Policy Issues and Incentives. Our panel includes Janine Migden, Attorney at Law with the firm of Hahn, Loeser and Parks; Judy Jones, Manager of the Energy Loan Fund; and Ryan Wiser, Staff Research Associate with the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory. More on their topics when I introduce each speaker.
I'm going to discuss some of the energy provisions in the new farm law, but first a little background on Wealth From The Wind. The American Corn Growers Foundation is always looking for ways to bring about diversity of land use and create new opportunities to stimulate greater farm income to benefit both farmers and rural communities. We took a look at wind power development and decided that it is an ideal fit to meet that objective. However, there was a void in terms of agriculture producer involvement and a need to bring farm voices and farm organization leadership into the development agenda for wind power generation. That's why we developed Wealth From The Wind. It's aimed at developing, facilitating, enhancing and expanding the positive economic and environmental potential of wind power for small and medium size farmers and the rural communities connected to them.
We use the leadership and resources of both the American Corn Growers Foundation and Association to reach out and work with a wide variety of
interests. Recently, we formed the American Agricultural Wind Coalition, an
initiative that will bring many of the nation's farm and commodity
associations together to speak with one voice on various issues surrounding
wind development. We are also the primary national farm entity working
directly with the WindPowering America office of the U.S. Department of
Energy and NREL. A special acknowledgement and thanks to Phil Dougherty who
heads up that program for the DOE in Washington, DC and Larry Flowers with
NREL in Colorado, two top notch leaders and hard chargers that keep the
electricity and excitement in wind power.
To further the wind powering America agenda, we need to get the positive word
out to as many farmers, utilities, investors and government officials as
possible, and to the overall general public. To that end, we are in the
process of developing a national wind resource guide and we are looking into
the feasibility of producing a small wind systems brochure geared to the many
individual on-farm uses that can be made of wind power. We believe that the
more information that can be developed and disseminated, by as many groups as
possible the better.
One of the most promising recent developments aimed at encouraging
farmers to get involved in wind power is Title IX, the Energy Title in the F
arm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (typically known as the Farm B
ill). A quick review of the various sections includes the following
significant areas of interest for farmers, investors and wind developers:
- Section 9005 - Energy Audits: This section provides for competitive
grants to state energy or agriculture departments, regional or state based
energy organizations, Land Grant colleges, rural electric cooperatives and
nonprofit organizations. Plus, any other organization as determined by the
Secretary of Agriculture. Grants are authorized for the purpose of assisting
farmers, ranchers and small rural business to become more energy efficient
and in using renewable technologies and resources. The recipients must pay
at least 25 percent of the cost of the audit.
- Section 9006 -- Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency
Improvements - ($115 Million Available in Loans, Loan Guarantees and Grants:
This section is designed to assist farmers, ranchers and rural small
businesses in purchasing renewable energy systems and making energy
efficiency improvements. Grants cannot exceed 25 percent of the cost of the
activity and a grant and loan cannot exceed 50 percent of the cost of the
activity. Interest rates are fixed for the term of the loan and equal to the
rate charged on U.S. Treasury securities of comparable maturity on the date
the loan is approved. Reminder: We all need to remember that that Congress
has not made the appropriations for Sections 9005 and 9006 yet so we all need
to keep working on Congress to get these programs fully funded.
- Section 9007 - Hydrogen and Fuel Technologies: This section requires
that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Energy shall enter
into a Memorandum of Understanding under which they will cooperate in the
application of hydrogen and fuel cell technology programs for rural
communities and agricultural producers. We think this section could
encourage opportunities for hybrid energy systems, including wind power.
- Section 9008 - Biomass Research Development ($75 million): This section
reauthorizes and funds the Biomass Research and Development Act of 2000 (P.L.
106-224) through FY 2007. Again, this could encourage hybrid systems
including wind.
- Section 9010 - Continuation of CCC Bioenergy Program ($204 million):
Again, while this section does not mention wind power specifically, we
believe that creative and forward thinking developers might make this section
work in tandem with the biodiesel and fuel grade ethanol provisions to make
hybrid systems work better by including wind power units.
Farm Bill Sections outside the Energy Title:
- Section 6401 (a) (2) -Value Added Agriculture Product Marketing
Development Grants ($240 Million - $40 Million Per Year): This sections
provides for competitive grants to individual producers or producer owned
cooperatives to develop business plans for viable marketing opportunities for
value added agricultural products, or to develop strategies that are intended
to create marketing opportunities in emerging markets. The maximum grant
amount is $500,000 and a total of $40 million in CCC funds are available per
year. I don't know if wind power projects fit this definition of value
added ag products but in my opinion they sure should. Can you think of a
better value added product than renewable electricity generated by a
farmer-owned wind farm that can create marketing opportunities for
electricity in the always emerging and constantly growing energy market?
This section needs to be looked at closely.
- Section 2101 - Biomass Harvesting and Wind Turbines on CRP Contract
Acres: This provision is an original ACGA initiative and it authorizes the
Secretary of Agriculture to permit the managed harvesting of biomass on CRP
(Conservation Reserve Program) acres (at a reduced rental payment). This
section also allows the installation of wind turbines on CRP acreage, without
loss of CRP contract benefits. In using this provision the Secretary shall
determine the number and location, taking into account (a) location, size and
other physical characteristics of the land and (b) the extent to which the
land contains wildlife and wildlife habitat, and the purpose of the CRP
Those are the various energy sections in the new farm bill that can help
facilitate renewable energy development, including wind power. The American
Corn Growers Association was actively involved in pushing these sections on
Capitol Hill when the farm bill was being developed. So, you can see the
complimentary roles that our Foundation and our Association play in seeing
that wind is a key ingredient in the energy mix that will power America into
the future. I can't take the time needed to cover all the other areas, like
the Renewable Portfolio Standard, the new Energy Bill and the monitoring,
implementation and funding of the Energy Title of the farm bill that ACGA CEO
Larry Mitchell and ACGA Director of Government Relations David Senter are
constantly working on in Washington, DC, but suffice it to say that they're
harnessing lots of energy to work on wind power.
Again, thank you to Bill Spratley and Green Energy Ohio for including the
ACGF and ACGA. We're thrilled to be here as a co-host with DOE, the Ohio
Farmers Union, the Ohio Farm Bureau and all the other groups hosting this
event. Now lets move on and hear from the other speakers on our panel and
their important topics. |