Canadian farmer upset by Roundup Ready canola contamination (Aug. 30, 2002 -- CropChoice news) -- An Alberta farmer is frustrated no one will take responsibility for his field becoming contaminated
with Roundup tolerant canola when he seeded a non-Roundup tolerant variety.
Walter Zulyniak said neither Agricore United, the company he bought the seed from and seeded the
crop for him, nor Dow AgroSciences, which developed the Nexera 705 canola, will accept
responsibility for having Roundup tolerant plants appear in his field where none had been grown
"Do we just stand by and let them contaminate your land and walk away. There's got to be some
justice," said Zulyniak of Camrose.
Source: Western Producer, http://www.producer.com/articles/20020829/news/20020829news02.html |