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Strong Roots, Fragile Farms

(Oct. 1, 2002 -- CropChoice news) -- The following is a press release from the United Church of Christ.

Willie Nelson and the United Church of Christ (UCC) may seem like odd companions, but they have teamed up because of the urgent crisis facing family farms around the world. The disappearance of the family farm may bring dire consequences to us all. The documentary, "Strong Roots, Fragile Farms," is scheduled to air on ABC-TV beginning, Oct. 6, 2002 (check local listings). Justice and Witness Ministries of the United Church of Christ and the National Council of Churches produced this made-for-television documentary. Hosted by Willie Nelson with a music score written by Peter Buffett (composer of the Dances with Wolves soundtrack), the film explores the real life impact of globalization upon today’s family farmer in Iowa and North Carolina as well as in the Philippines and Mexico. "Strong Roots, Fragile Farms" puts human faces from around the world on a complex problem that many believe is destroying the family farm—globalization.

What is Globalization? Globalization refers to the increasing worldwide interconnection of the products, services and markets of all countries and peoples coupled with access to those markets by large multi-national corporations.

Justice and Witness Ministries of the United Church of Christ and the National Council of Churches produced "Strong Roots, Fragile Farms." Resources are also available at http://www.ucc.org/fragilefarms to accompany this documentary: a fact sheet, study guide, posters, electronic postcards and suggestions for local promotion. These resources are designed to encourage and broaden local discussion in churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, union halls, cooperatives, and community centers—wherever people think globally and act locally. The approach of this film may increase public awareness about the peril of the family farm and explain the reasons globalization is a concern for us all.

Many local ABC-TV affiliates may be unaware of the importance of this issue to many viewers and decide to not carry “Strong Roots, Fragile Farms.” Therefore, it is imperative that citizens concerned about the plight of the family farm and increasing globalization call or write their local ABC-TV affiliate. Calls and letters from viewers can make a difference in whether or not a local ABC-TV affiliate carries "Strong Roots, Fragile Farms."