(Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2003 -- CropChoice news) -- The following is an announcement from Oregon Tilth.
5th Annual Meeting
Saturday, March 8 & Sunday, March 9
This years meeting will be an outstanding event, bringing together the
diverse environmental and legal interests of the world renowned
ELAW conference with the seed heads of organic agriculture. The
combined efforts will make for one of the most exciting Oregon Tilth
conferences ever! Attend this unique event to hear dynamic speakers,
cutting edge updates, and learn how to explore and maintain our common
heritage of plants.
2003 Meeting Agenda
Keynote Presentations
Thursday 6:30 Vandana Shiva
Friday 6:30 Mae-Won Ho
Sunday 3:00 Ignacio Chapela
Saturday, March 8
9:00 GE Trees and Fish
10:30 GE Activism
2:30 Testing, Regulation, & Technology
4:00 Biotech and Human Rights
Sunday, March 9
9:00 Trespass and Biotech
10:30 GE and the Public Domain
FCGP Annual Meeting
12:30 FCGP member lunch
2:00 Introductions
2:15 Annual Report & Cornell Update
3:00 Keynote Presentation
4:00 Project Updates
4:30 Objective Setting
5:30 Seed Exchange
6:00 Meeting adjourn
* Speakers and times subject to change
The Public Interest Environmental Law Forum
The ELAW Conference begins on Thursday, March 6 and registration runs
from 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Thursday through Saturday at U of Oregon Law School.
Vandana Shiva will kick off the Conference with a keynote address
Thursday evening. The ELAW Conference topic is “Environmental
(In)justice in the Global Commons.” ELAW requests a sliding
registration fee to cover conference costs and support the Land Air
Water program.
The Public Interest Environmental Law Conference is the premier annual
gathering for environmentalists in the world. Now in its
21st year, the Conference unites activists, attorneys, students,
scientists and concerned citizents to share their expertise, experience
and insights. With more than 125 panels, keynote addresses, workshop,
films, and celebrations, the Conference has become world-renowned for
its energy, innovation and inspiration for all who participate.
The FCGP has reserved a limited number of rooms at the Green Tree (Best
Western) in Eugene. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel
directly at (541) 485-2727. Get a discount rate of $59.50 for single
room, and $69.50 for double by mentioning you are with the FCGP. The
hotel is within short walking distance of the Conference.
A very limited number of travel scholarships are available, and all
those interested should contact the FCGP as soon as possible.
Pre-registration is not necessary, but please RSVP if you would like
lunch on Sunday. All those interested in attending the meeting are
encouraged to contact Heather heather@tilth.org or JJ jhapp@tilth.org.
at the FCGP Office (541)998-3069 or via mail:
Speaker Bios
Dr. Vandana Shiva is recognized worldwide as a critic of the impact of
the new global capitalist orders impact on food security, indigenous
people’s intellectual property rights, and women’s health. Through her
research and publications, Shiva is a leading voice calling for
regulation of technology, questioning both the ethical and ecological
basis of genetic engineering. Shiva’s work traces the evolution of the
Green Revolution to today’s genetic engineering as the second green
revolution, arguing that both have resulted in and will continue to
result in the entrenchment of suffering and the destruction and
appropriation of indigenous knowledge. She has campaigned to protect
indigenous seeds as a way of insuring indigenous women’s control over
development policies and right to participate in critical economic
decisions. To advance her people’s program for biodiversity, Shiva
founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Natural
Resource Policy.
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Director of the Institute for Science in Society, is
known by millions as a leading exponent of a new science of the organism
which has implications for holistic health and sustainable systems. She
gained her B.Sc. in Biology and Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Hong Kong
University, and is currently Senior Research Fellow at the Open
University, UK and visiting Professor of Biophysics at the University of
Catania, Sicily. She became scientific advisor to the Third World
Network in 1994, and co-founded ISIS with her husband and long time
collaborator, Prof. Peter Saunders, who shares her concerns about social
accountability of science and science for sustainability. Her over 200
publications (including 10 books) on genetic engineering and related
issues have been translated into many languages, posted on countless
websites, and have been used by public interest organizations around the
world in submissions to their governments.
Dr. Ignacio H. Chapela is Assistant Professor of Microbial Ecology at
University of California, Berkeley, and Scientific Director, The
Mycological Facility: Oaxaca, Capulalpam, Oaxaca, Mexico. A Mexican
biologist dedicated to ecological research on fungi, his career has
spanned from a purely biochemical/ecological base in Mexico through
research stages in academia (Univ. of Wales, Cornell University) and
three years of scientific research in the discovery of new
pharmaceuticals with Sandoz, Ltd (Basel), to an involvement in the
debate on biodiversity loss, its economic and social consequences, and
the perspectives for future action. Returning to Mexico, he helped found
the Mycological Facility: Oaxaca, where he now serves as Scientific
Dr. Alan Kapuler is the founder of Peace Seeds, Seeds of Change, and
Deep Diversity. With a background in the chemical and molecular
sciences, Kapuler brings cutting insight and expertise to the field of
plant breeding and organic agriculture. His seminal works include the
Kinship Garden Layout, and the Amino Acid Analysis of Popular Vegetable
Varieties. In his various capacities as plant breeder and research
director, Kapuler has written extensively on new phylogenic layouts of
the plant families and the primary nutrition required for cellular
genesis. Kapuler is also a co-author of the original Oregon Tilth
Certified Organic Standards Procedures Manual and The Transition
Document. Kapuler maintains thousands of plants within his own
collection, and has bred and re-introduced hundreds of varieties of
vegetables and flowers, including Rainbow Inca Sweet Corn, Elephant Head
Amaranth, and Red Russion Kale.
Dr.Stephen Jones is the winter wheat breeder at Washington State
University and the former Chair of the National Wheat Crop Germplasm
Committee. He has a Ph.D. degree in genetics from the University of
California at Davis and has been at Washington State University since
1991. He has published numerous scientific articles on wheat breeding
and molecular genetics. He has also published papers on the history and
value of public wheat breeding and the urgent need to keep these and
other Land Grant University programs public. The wheat breeding program
that Stephen leads has been in existence since 1894 and is the only
public wheat breeding program in the country to have declared itself GMO
and corporate influence free.
Dr. Steven Strauss is a Professor in the Department of Forest Science at
Oregon State University. He has published more than 100 scientific
papers and given 125 invited lectures on genetics, evolution, and
biotechnology of trees. He served on a number of panels at the US
National Research Council, National Science Foundation, and Department
of Agriculture. His current research focuses on genomic analysis and
genetic engineering methods for trees, and he directs a
university-industry consortium that is developing genetic engineering
solutions to mitigate concerns of gene flow from transgenic plantations.
Mary O’ Brien, a botanist, is author of Making Environmental Decisions:
Alternatives to Risk Assessment, which challenges risk-based
regulation. She has served as staff scientist for toxics reform,
environmental law, and conservation grassroots organizations. The
former Executive Director for NCAP (NW Coalition for Alternatives to