Agribusiness Accountability Initiative announces launch of its new website (Monday, Aug. 18, 2003 -- CropChoice news) -- The following is a news release.
The Agribusiness Accountability Initiative (AAI) announces the launch of its new website:
Co-sponsored by the Center of Concern and the National Catholic Rural Life Conference , the Agribusiness Accountability Initiative is a growing intern ational network of academics, activists and food system experts who recognize that corporate concentration and vertical integration among transnational agro-food companies threaten the sustainability of the most important industry on earth – the global food system.
The AAI website is an online resource for activists, academics, and citizens who are concerned about the increasing control over the global food system among few very powerful agribusiness transnational corporations. This website houses an extensive clearinghouse of information on the impacts of agribusiness firms on consumers, investors, farmers, workers, and the environment. The site also provides links and information on organizations and campaigns around the world that are working to hold agri-food companies accountable for their actions and to promote more sustainable food systems. Visit http://www.agribusinessaccountability.org
to find:
The AAI is a growing network and this website is an evolving resource; you can help shape it! Please share with us your suggestions for organizations to link to and documents to include in the clearinghouse. To send us your suggestions, or for more information on the AAI, you can contact AAI coordinators, Peter O’Driscoll
podriscoll@coc.org or Robert Gronski ncrlcrg@aol.com ,
or Program Assistant Hilary Mertaugh hmertaugh@coc.org |