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Mexican government finds widespread genetic contamination of corn

(April 22, 2002 – CropChoice news) -- The Mexican government has confirmed the transgenic contamination of native corn that University of California researchers Ignacio Chapela and David Quist found and which the journal Nature published in November. Earlier this month, the journal all but retracted its publication of their findings.

Despite a moratorium on genetically engineered maize in place since 1998, the genetic contamination from insect-resistant modified corn varieties is worse than first reported, said Jorge Soberon, executive secretary of Mexico's national commission on biodiversity.

The Mexican government sampled 1,876 native corn seedlings from two the states of Qaxaca and Puebla. It found a contamination rate of 95 percent, reported Ezequiel Ezcurra, director of the ecology institute at the environment ministry.

Source: The Guardian

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