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To know or not know the origin of our food

(Thursday, Jan. 15, 2004 -- CropChoice news) -- From a news release:

Should we know from where our food came, or should we be happy with whatever is placed on the table before us?

This Saturday at 9AM Pacific, the Food Chain with Michael Olson hosts Joaquin Contente, President of the California Farmers Union, and Shawna Thomas, Government Relations Liason for the National Meat Association, for a conversation about the mandatory Country of Origin Labeling law now being deliberated in Congress.

(Listen here: http://www.metrofarm.com/index.asp?cat=40088 )

Topics will include why farmers say “Yes!” to mandatory Country of Origin labeling; why grocers say “No!” to it; and what the legislation means for those of us who happen to eat food.

Listeners are invited to call the program on KFRM, KGET, KGOE, KMPH, KNTK, KOMY, KSCO, KTIP, KVON or TRUTH RADIO with questions and comments at 800-624-2665, or log them to the discussion page at http://www.metrofarm.com .