National Academy of Sciences to release report on unintended effects of genetically engineered crops (Tuesday, July 27, 2004 -- CropChoice news) -- Center for Food Safety news release, 07/26/04: In anticipation of the release of the NAS report on unintended effects due July 28, Center for Food Safety senior scientist Dr. Doug Gurian-Sherman has prepared a briefing paper to assist you in understanding the complexities of this issue. The federal agencies primarily responsible for regulating genetically engineered food, the Food and Drug Administration, Department of Agriculture, and the Environmental Protection Agency, have requested that the National Academies of Science study and report on the regulation of unintended effects of genetically engineered crops to help them better determine the safety of these foods for humans and animals. Unintended effects can include increases in harmful substances such as toxicants, anti-nutrients, and allergens that food crops normally produce in lower quantities. New or previously unidentified substances could also be unintentionally produced as plants are particularly adept at making such substances. That many of these substances have powerful effects is demonstrated by the host of drugs, and even pesticides, that are derived from plant substances. Many of these substances are absent or at low levels in the edible parts of food crops (or are removed by processing) due to millennia of selection and breeding--although their inactive genes may still be present and could be activated by genetic engineering. Unintended changes due to genetic engineering are common in crops. There are dozens of reports of unintended effects in the scientific literature despite the fact that such effects are typically not recorded because they are not the object of study. It is widely understood that the vast majority of initial transgenic plants are typically rejected due to unintended changes. Some of those changes are due to the genetic engineering process itself and may be removed during further breeding, but many are due to the new gene and cannot be removed. Typically, information about the nature of these defective plants is not made public because they are discarded by the crop developers. However, the unintended outcomes that are easily identified and discarded by genetic engineering companies are not synonymous with the typically "invisible" traits that may harm people. Examination of unintended effects in genetically engineered crops shows that: For all of these reasons, a rigorous approach to testing for harmful changes in genetically engineered crops should be taken. Center for Food Safety makes the following recommendations:
CONTACT: Craig Culp, Center for Food Safety (202) 547-9359; (301) 509-0925 (mobile) To see the report, go to: http://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/press_release7_26_2004.cfm |