Report on environmental hazards of factory livestock farms (Monday, Sept. 9, 2002 -- CropChoice news) -- The Sierra Club recently released an exhaustive report on the
environmental records of the nation's slaughterhouses and animal
feeding operations. The report takes the industry to task for
swamping waterways with animal waste, failing to provide safe
working conditions, violating humane animal treatment laws, and
allowing up to134 million pounds of contaminated meat to enter the
marketplace. The rap sheet contains an exhaustive list of violations
by over 600 companies. The web interface allows users to search
alphabetically by company name, or to search by state to learn if
violations have occurred in their neighborhood. This welcome
addition to the literature on the problems associated with factory
farming also contains a summary of the ten companies with the
worst records.
The searchable interface and complete report are available at
http://www.sierraclub.org/factoryfarms/rapsheets |