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DuPont's 'Straight Talk About Biotechnology'

(April 24, 2002 – letters to the CropChoice editor) – A DuPont representative sent the following letter in response to yesterday’s batch of CropChoice stories. Please see my response at the bottom. -- RS

Dear CropChoice Editor:

To help your website visitors learn about plant biotech, please add a link to Straight Talk About Biotechnology (http://www.biotech.dupont.com). Straight Talk provides science-based information about plant biotech and includes a newsroom that is updated each day. Although sponsored by DuPont, the site is educational, not commercial. To see an overview of Straight Talk, visit http://straight-tallk-on-biotech.com. DuPont sent this electronic greeting to U.S. policymakers in February 2002.

Thank you,

PS: Please forward this email to others who may be interested in knowing about Straight Talk.

Ellen Pieper
Web/Communications Coordinator
Pioneer Communications
DuPont Agriculture & Nutrition
7100 NW 62nd Avenue
Johnston, IA 50131
515.270.3619 (phone)
515.334.6886 (fax)
1.800.247.6803, ext. 3619

CropChoice editor’s response:

Dear Ellen:

Thanks for your message. I’ve linked CropChoice to the DuPont biotechnology website and passed on your note to lots of people interested in news about genetically modified food. Please reciprocate by linking your website to CropChoice and by widely circulating its news items. Let's work together to talk straight about how genetically engineered foods affect farmers, consumers and the environment.


Robert Schubert
CropChoice editor