Pennsylvania becomes hog haven (Wednesday, March 12, 2003 -- CropChoice news)-- From a news release.
Corporate-owned factory hog farms with 5,000 to 8,000 pigs are moving
aggressively into Pennsylvania , according to organizers of the
nation's third annual Hog Summit, scheduled for June 7 in
Gettysburg .
The gathering will highlight the issues of hog waste that can pollute
surface and ground water and contaminate fields, the detrimental
impacts of the large farming operations on family farms and farming
communities and legislative efforts to control the industry.
Jan Jarrett, director of outreach for Citizens for Pennsylvania 's
Future, or PennFuture, one of the summit's sponsors, said Pennsylvania
has allowed construction of hog waste lagoons that can hold 10 million
gallons. The state permits the waste, which contains antibiotics and
disease-causing bacteria, to be spread over fields or discharged into
creeks without any treatment.
Jeanne Clark |