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American Corn Growers announce 2004 convention in Reno, Nevada
(Thursday, Nov. 20, 2003 -- CropChoice news) -- From a news release:
Larry Mitchell (202) 835-0330
WASHINGTON - Nov. 18, 2003--- Keith Dittrich, President of the American Corn Growers Association (ACGA), today announced that the organization's 2004 convention will be held in Reno, Nev., Feb. 4 through Feb. 8, 2004. The convention will be held at the Silver Legacy resort, located in the heart of downtown Reno. The theme of this year's convention is "American Corn Growers Association -- Leaders In Changing Course to Secure Farmer Livelihoods Worldwide."
Dittrich explained, "ACGA is an essential part of helping this nation's farmers, and farmers around the world, through the challenges ahead. Working closely with the many others organizations, ACGA helped initiate the recently released study, Rethinking U.S. Agriculture Policy: Changing Course to Secure Farmer Livelihoods Worldwide, by the Agriculture Policy Analysis Center (APAC), part of the University of Tennessee, a land-grant university. This report goes comprehensively to the heart of the ever more contentious trade issues of farm subsidies in developed countries, low world commodity prices, and global poverty."
Professor Daryll E. Ray, Blasingame Chair of Excellence in Agricultural Policy and APAC Director, will be in attendance with a detailed presentation of the study and a discussion of what the next steps should be in expanding and advancing the work. "U.S. policies heavily influence the fate of farmers well beyond our borders. Therefore, policy addressing the needs of U.S. farmers also should recognize our larger global influence," said Ray. "We have found conclusive evidence through our analysis that international trade policies have indeed led the way for the global downward spiral of farm prices and farm income. However, we can also predict with a significant degree of accuracy that the elimination of U.S. farm subsidies without real price-enhancing reform of U.S. policy will destroy our farm and rural economy, and---surprisingly---would perpetuate the problems facing farmers in developing counties rather than alleviate them."
Dittrich added that other issues and discussions at this year's ACGA convention will include renewable energy such as ethanol, biodiesel and wind generated electricity, County of Origin Labeling, food safety and consumer preferences and crop insurance.
The 2004 ACGA convention will be the organization's twelfth since its inception in 1987. The American Corn Growers Association is America's leading progressive commodity association, representing the interests of thousands of corn producers in 35 states. From its beginning, the ACGA has worked tirelessly to protect farm income and rural communities. The ACGA recognizes that farmers need to have the opportunity to be rewarded for their time, investment, and risk.
For more information about ACGA and upcoming updates on the ACGA Convention, including registration information, please visit the ACGA website at http://www.acga.org/convention/ or contact Lisa Miles at (202) 835-0330.