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Brazil sets up task force to decide on GMOs within 30 days

(Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 -- CropChoice news) -- OsterDow Jones, 02/18/03, via Agnet: Brasilia - Environmental Minister Marina Silva was cited as saying Tuesday that Brazil's government has set up a task force including representatives from the ministries of Agriculture, Health, Environment, Science and Technology, Agricultural Development, Industry Trade and Development and Justice to review the question of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) over the next 30 days.

The story says that three federal judges are examining a request by the previous administration and U.S. agribusiness giant Monsanto Co. to quash the need for an environmental-impact study, before lifting the ban on Monsanto's RoundUp Ready GMO soy. One judge has already ruled in favor of Monsanto, while the remaining two have yet to decide.