Organic egg company seeking corn and soy farmers to keep eggs rolling (2/26/2004) AP Alert - Indiana via NewsEdge Corporation : GOSHEN, Ind.- Eager to tap into the growing demand for fresh, chemical-free foods, an organic egg company is recruiting northern Indiana farmers to help keep their egg-laying broods well-fed with organic grain.
Monsanto oil to cut the trans fat content (2/22/2004) - 28/10/2003 - Commercially savvy and biotech rich company Monsanto is waging a war on the waist, with impeccable timing. Following hot on the heels of new FDA rules requiring food manufacturers to imminently reveal the amount of trans-fat on food labels, the US kings of the gene-pickings will develop soybeans capable of producing oil containing less trans- and saturated fats.
Drugs in crops, the unpalatable truth (2/12/2004) In the United States, genetically modified (GM) wheat (containing
predictably a gene for resistance to a proprietary herbicide) is on the
verge of approval. In Europe, having come unscathed through the UK
farm-scale trials, GM maize has received the go-ahead from both ACRE, the
UK government advisory group on GM crops, and from English Nature, the UK
government's advisor on the environment. And yet, despite the progress with
these crops, biotech companies seem determined to embark on another
suicidal tussle with the anti-biotech lobby, in the process exposing their
businesses not only to accusations of high-handedness and negligence but to
unnecessary commercial risks. It seems that an industry in which the PhD is
the intellectual norm is either incapable of learning a simple lesson from
the past or cannot bring itself to act appropriately, despite what it has
learned previously.